Storing lasagna: What is the shelf life of lasagna?

Lasagne is a real treat that you almost can’t get enough of. And if you have any leftovers, you’ll be happy to eat them at a later date.

But what is the best way to store it and, above all, how long does lasagne keep?

Once baked, classic Bolognese lasagne can be kept in the fridge for 2 to 3 days, or even frozen for several months. The shelf life of lasagne depends on which ingredients it contains, whether it is fresh or baked and how it is stored.

Here you can find out everything about when and how you can store your lasagne and for how long.

What is the shelf life of lasagna?

Different shelf lives apply depending on whether the lasagne is kept unrefrigerated, refrigerated or frozen:

  • Lasagne can be kept unrefrigerated for 2 hours
  • Lasagne can be kept refrigerated for 1 to 3 days
  • Lasagne can be kept in the freezer for 1 to 3 months

In particular, the shelf life also depends on whether the lasagne is fresh, baked or already defrosted, and which ingredients are included.

Note: The information on shelf life in this article is intentionally rather brief. It may well be that lasagne is still edible after this date. In order not to waste anything, you can also check the edibility yourself after the best-before date, more on this under the point: Can lasagne go bad?

The shelf life of lasagne at a glance

In this table you can see how long lasagne will keep in different states:

Condition of the lasagnaShelf life at room temperature (not refrigerated)Shelf life in the refrigerator (chilled)Shelf life in the freezer (deep-frozen)
Fresh lasagna1 hour1 day1 to 2 months
Baked lasagna2 hours2 to 3 days2 to 3 months
defrosted lasagna2 hours2 to 3 days
This table shows the shelf life of fresh, baked and defrosted lasagne in the refrigerator, freezer and non-refrigerated state.

This information is based on classic Bolognese lasagne with minced meat.

Questions about the shelf life of lasagne

[accordion] [accordion_item title=“How long does fresh lasagne keep?“]Unbaked lasagne should not be stored in the fridge for longer than 24 hours, as the pasta sheets become soggy. It will keep for 1 to 2 months in the freezer and can be left unrefrigerated for about 1 hour.[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=“How long does baked lasagne keep?” open=”false”]Lasagne should not be left uncovered for more than 2 hours after baking. It can easily be kept in the fridge for 2 to 3 days and frozen for up to 3 months.[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=“How long does thawed lasagne keep for?“]Once thawed, lasagne can be kept refrigerated for around 2 to 3 days. It should not be frozen again! You should not leave defrosted lasagne unrefrigerated for longer than 2 hours, as bacteria will develop over time.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=“How long can lasagne be kept unrefrigerated?“]At room temperature, lasagne should not be left for longer than 2 hours, as bacteria can develop in it more and more quickly over time. Freshly made lasagne is best baked immediately or kept refrigerated[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=“How long does lasagne keep refrigerated?” open=”false”]Lasagne usually keeps for 2 to 3 days in the fridge. Freshly made lasagne with homemade pasta sheets should not be kept refrigerated for longer than 24 hours, as the sheets become soggy.[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=“How long does lasagne keep frozen?“]If stored correctly, lasagne can be kept in the freezer for between 1 and 3 months. To increase the storage time and improve the quality, the lasagne must be packed airtight[/accordion_item][/accordion].

Shelf life of lasagne with vegetables

Vegetarian vegetable lasagne has about the same shelf life as normal lasagne. It will keep for 2 to 3 days in the fridge and 2 months in the freezer. When freezing, it is important that the vegetables are not frozen. Some vegetables also need to be blanched.

Shelf life of lasagne with fish

Lasagne with fish such as cod, pangasius or pollack is best eaten immediately. It can also be kept in the fridge for about a day. It is also possible to freeze fish lasagne, but this should be done immediately after the lasagne has cooled.

Shelf life of lasagne with spinach

Spinach lasagne can also be stored chilled or frozen without any problems. Lasagne with spinach will keep for around 1 to 2 days in the fridge and up to 2 months in the freezer. It is important that the spinach is blanched beforehand and that the lasagne is not left unrefrigerated for longer than 1 hour.

How do I store lasagna?

There are 3 ways to store the lasagna:

  • At room temperature
  • In the fridge
  • In the freezer

The best way to store lasagne is to freeze it. It can be kept frozen for 1 to 2 months and retains its quality very well. Alternatively, you can store it in the fridge for 2 to 3 days or leave it at room temperature for a maximum of 2 hours.

Store lasagna in the fridge

Here I show you how to store fresh and baked lasagna in the fridge.

1- Leave the lasagne to cool

Depending on whether it is a fresh or baked lasagne, you will need to let it cool first. You can leave it in the baking dish or put it in a suitable storage box and cover it halfway.

2- Pack the lasagne airtight and keep refrigerated

Next, the lasagna must be packed airtight. This is important for both fresh and baked lasagna.

Baked lasagne leftovers are best placed in an airtight storage box of a suitable size. No further steps are necessary. The baked lasagne leftovers can be kept for 2 days without any problems.

You can leave fresh lasagne in the baking dish. You then need to wrap it several times in cling film so that it is airtight. Although fresh lasagne can be kept in the fridge for several days, the quality of the pasta sheets can deteriorate after 24 hours.

Storing lasagne in the freezer

Here I show you how to store fresh and baked lasagna in the freezer.

1- Leave the lasagne to cool

If you want to freeze baked lasagne (e.g. leftover lasagne), you must first allow it to cool. It is best to cool the lasagne in the baking dish for about 1 hour and then transfer it to storage boxes. The cooled lasagne is firmer and easier to transfer.

If it is not leftover lasagna, but a complete lasagna, you can simply leave it in the casserole dish.

2- Pack the lasagna airtight

Airtight packaging before freezing is crucial for good quality preservation. The better the lasagne is packaged, the lower the risk of freezer burn. Although freezer burn is not harmful, it makes the lasagne virtually inedible.

For lasagne leftovers, it is sufficient to choose an airtight storage box of the right size. The size is important, the aim is to keep as little air as possible in the box. For additional protection, you can cover the opening of the storage box with cling film and then close it with the lid.

If the lasagne is fresh (or if the lasagne is baked, but still complete), you can simply leave it in the baking dish. Then wrap it several times in cling film until it is airtight.

3- Note the shelf life and freeze

As soon as the lasagne has cooled down and is packed airtight and frost-proof, it should go straight into the freezer.

Before you do this, it is worth noting today’s date and the expiration date. The lasagne can be kept in the freezer for 3 months.

After several weeks, there may be a slight loss of consistency and flavor, but if stored correctly, the quality is largely retained.

Can lasagna go bad?

Even if lasagna is kept past its best-before date, you don’t have to throw it away straight away.

Although it is only possible to determine whether a dish is still edible in a laboratory, there are a few reliable ways to determine whether lasagna is still edible.

However, if you’re not sure how long the lasagna has been stored, then it’s better not to eat it.

How can you recognize expired lasagne?

You can use three of your senses to determine whether the lasagna is still edible.

1- See

Take a close look at the lasagna under good light. Are there any anomalies? Are there any discolorations, dark spots or even mold? If you don’t notice anything else, you can move on to the second step.

2- Smell

Take the lasagna out of the fridge, let it warm up briefly and then smell it. The reason for this is that cold suppresses odors. Do you notice any unappetizing smells? Does the lasagna smell sour? If you don’t notice anything here either, you can test the taste next.

3- Taste

Heat the lasagne thoroughly so that it is boiling hot at the core. This will kill most of the microbes. Then you can carry out a taste test. Is there anything unusual in the taste? Also check the consistency. If everything seems normal and the lasagne tastes good, it should still be edible.

What is the shelf life of lasagne sheets?

Dried lasagne sheets can usually be kept for many years if stored in a dark, dry place. Fresh pasta sheets can be kept in the fridge for about 1 day or frozen for 1 to 2 months. Cooked lasagne sheets will keep in the fridge for 2 to 3 days.

At room temperatureRefrigeratedDeep-frozen
Dried lasagna sheets5 years
fresh lasagna sheets4 hours, packed airtight24 hours1 to 2 months
cooked lasagna sheets2 hours2 to 3 days2 to 3 months
Pasta dough for lasagna4 hours, packed airtight24 hours1 to 2 months
This table describes the shelf life of dried, fresh and cooked pasta sheets in the fridge, in the freezer and at room temperature.

The pasta dough for lasagne can also be stored for some time. This is useful if you want to prepare it in advance, for example.

Pasta dough for lasagne can be kept for about 4 hours without refrigeration, in the fridge for about 24 hours and frozen for 1 to 2 months. The dough must always be packed airtight to prevent it from drying out.

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